The time has come to slowly begin the transition from pumpkins to parcels, light jackets to heavier down coats – the world’s color palette shifting from warm reds and golds to icy whites and crisp blues. With winter on the way, many homeowners in Armstrong and Butler Counties may wonder how best to handle their home heating needs in order to stay warmer and maximize their energy savings.
So, what is the best home temperature for winter? And what thermostat is best for comfort and energy savings? Luckily, the pros at 1 Stop Heating & Cooling are here to shed some light on the subject so that you can spend your precious time worrying about other things this holiday season…like finding just the right gift for that special someone in your life.
For all HVAC-related questions and concerns, we’ve got answers and solutions. Get in touch online or give us a call at 724-664-1976!
What Temperature Should I Keep My House in Winter To Save Money?
This topic is a bit complicated to answer for a couple reasons. First, because everyone’s financial situation looks a bit different, it’s hard to confidently and effectively determine what’s considered “cheap.” Second, and similarly, an idyllic ambient home temperature for one might be an ice palace to someone else – or even a steamy sauna to another!
…the Department of Energy states that you can retain the energy – and save on those utility bills – by setting your thermostat to anywhere between 68°F-70°F.
So, while there are certain considerations and exceptions to keep in mind, deciding on a winter thermostat temp – and one for the rest of the year too – is largely a personal matter.
All that said, the Department of Energy states that you can retain the energy – and save on those utility bills – by setting your thermostat to anywhere between 68°F-70°F.
Here in Pennsylvania, we’re no strangers to the freezing temperatures brought forth by the winter months, and the closer the indoor temperature is to the outdoor, the slower it is for heat to escape. Again though, it’s important to keep in mind that home heating preferences are highly subjective. While this temperature range might contribute to cost savings, it might not always be feasible for every homeowner.
Does that change depending on where you live?
Absolutely. Just like with everything else HVAC-related, the average outside temperature influences the way in which your home’s heating and cooling systems regulate themselves.
For example, in addition to the winter thermostat temp range information, the Department of Energy also says that homeowners can save up to 10% a year on energy bills just by lowering your thermostat 7°-10°F for roughly eight hours a day.
However, because it’s much easier to readjust and balance a smaller difference in temperature – such as what happens in milder climates where the indoor temperature is not too drastically different from that of the outside – homeowners in the areas of the country where weather does not vary significantly between the seasons have a greater chance of earning more savings.
That doesn’t mean all hope is lost for those of us in more…shall we say… “intense” climates, though! There are still little things we can do like investing in programmable thermostats or taking the time to turn them down every once in a while to help save on overall energy costs. After all, is there anything better than curling up under a pile of blankets at the end of a hard day’s work? Double that with the financial incentive of saving a few bucks? Sounds like a win-win to us.
Should I Lower My Thermostat When I’m Away?
There are indeed benefits to lowering the thermostat when you’re away from home – as long as you don’t mind layering up on the blankets and sweatshirts while you wait for the temperature to be pleasant again upon your return!
Contrary to popular belief, when the thermostat drops below its normal/everyday temperature, your furnace (or alternative heating system) does not actually work harder or use more energy to return your home to its original, comfortable temp. Instead, the moment your thermostat dips below its normal ambient temperature, the more it retains the remaining heat – resulting in a much slower loss of energy to the outside world.
More Questions? Trust the Pros at 1 Stop Heating & Cooling
Interested in learning more about best heating practices for your home this winter season? Looking to have your HVAC system serviced before winter officially begins and the holidays are well underway? If you’re a homeowner in Armstrong or Butler County, look no further than 1 Stop Heating & Cooling. Not only do we offer exceptional products and services, we also have a team available 24/7, so you never have to worry about being left without heat once the temps start dropping.
For high quality, customer-first HVAC services, there’s no one better than us. Schedule an appointment today by filling out this request form through our website, or you can give us a call at 724-664-1976. We’d love to help you make the most of your time spent at home this holiday season.
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